Educere: the educational resources portal of La Rioja
Educere: all educational resources within reach
GNOSS has developed the La Rioja Educational Resources Portal, a digital space that allows teachers to access in a simple and practical way educational resources to support teachers in their preparation, configuration and educational intervention tasks.
- Cliente
- Educación
The Ministry of Education, Training and Employment of the Government of La Rioja is in charge of establishing the educational policies of the Autonomous Community of La Rioja. Among its organizations is the CIFE, the Center for Innovation and Teacher Training. This body has among its objectives to plan and manage the best training offer for teachers in La Rioja, and to promote and promote educational innovation, enabling all those tools and instruments to accelerate and increase teacher learning.
A single access point to all educational content
Teachers have at their disposal a set of educational content linked to each other with which to improve the intervention process in the classroom and a system that allows them to publish and share their educational resources, complementing and evolving the repository of starting content with collaboration of all.
Innovative experiences narrated by teachers
Teachers have authoring tools to narrate their own didactic experiences and publicize their virtual educational spaces. In this way, they encourage other teachers to initiate or consolidate the use of active methodologies and technology in educational settings.
A faceted search system that improves access to educational content
GNOSS has developed an information retrieval system that enables teachers to discover knowledge and learn while searching. The search becomes a learning route, having a useful and efficient way to interrogate the existing content.
Enriched educational resources with relevant contexts
The results obtained when searching for educational content are "enriched" results. The content file is automatically filled with suitable contexts for the search. For example, it is possible to offer other educational content related to the same subject, the same educational level, the same type of resource, etc.
Access EDUCERE: https://educere.larioja.org.
See Press Clipping of its release.
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