A constellation of intelligent educational services and content for building an education that’s already on its way
The Didactalia educational platform is an educational Linked Data website that uses GNOSS cognitive technology to offer a multitude of intelligent educational services aimed at improving teaching-learning processes and providing for students’ needs. Predictive evaluation, intelligent games and activities, and a system for constructing new educational narratives are generated almost automatically in a personalised, self-regulating learning environment.
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- Cliente
- Educación
Didactalia.net is an educational site with more than 100,000 open educational resources and more than 500,000 registered users. Developed by Gnoss.com, the site’s network includes educational sites such as Mapainteractivos.net, Naturalsciences.didactalia.net, Timelines.didactalia.net, Mismuseos.net, BNEscolar.net, Espiraledublogs.org and Odite.ciberespiral.org. Users participate daily in more than 300,000 of their educational games sessions.
An active educational graph
Didactalia invites its users to learn and share learning by voyaging across an immense Knowledge Graph that continually offers contextual information pertinent to the topic of interest. Navigating this highly semantically conscious voyage is intrinsically educational. Any subject matter can be discovered and researched in-depth in a way that is intuitive for the user.
Learning Analytics: Data-based education
Didactalia dispone de un motor inteligente creado con tecnologías cognitivas que analiza cada experiencia de aprendizaje y aprende de ella para ofrecer a sus usuarios:
Didactalia uses an intelligent search engine created using cognitive technology to analyse each learning experience. It learns from it itself and can therefore offer users:
- Personalised learning: tailored programmes and speeds that improve and accelerate the learning process
- Real time information: personal patterns of learning for users, self-regulated learning and student progress monitoring for teachers
- Predictive evaluation: teachers can detect situations of risk and redesign or fine-tune instruction
- Important information for decision-making pertinent to the design and organisation of all learning resources (educational centres and institutions)
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Play to learn
Offers interactive maps , science games and timelines games designed to improve and accelerate learning, making it more interesting.
Suggests social and individual game modes (challenges and tournaments). When learning means an engaging game within a competitive and social setting, players get hooked on the task of learning.
Social Learning
Didactalia combines the strengths of group learning among equals and social learning theory in formal learning processes.
Teachers are able to contact and follow other teachers on the platform, as well as to create learning communities, communities of practice, and education research and innovation groups where they can share their experiences and content.
You can even bring your class to Didactalia: there are educational laboratories where Didactalia content is shared and students work together in a collaborative environment.
Artificial Intelligence to generate expanded and higher quality content
Didactalia offers teachers advanced and tailored tools for creating, editing and generating new content and educational narratives; they are able to reuse the essential resources available through Didactalia:
Graph Learning Plans, lesson plans based on content from the collection and the educator’s own content in “just in time” contexts that allow teachers to put active teaching and learning methodologies into practice.
Ready-to-learn lessons
Didactalia includes a selection of lessons that are ready to use. These contents are organised in terms of curricula by knowledge area and subject; format; and theoretical, practical or experimental content. This organisation method helps teachers to prepare their classes and parents to help their children with homework.
Encyclopedia Didactalia, a great chronological scene of knowledge
Didactalia Encyclopedia is a tool capable of showing, simultaneously and comparatively, the most relevant events in Science, Literature, Art, Philosophy and History..
- Navigate through history through an interactive timeline and surprising
- Discover what was happening simultaneously in different fields of knowledge, lives and parallel works
- Expand the information with the file for each entity: characters, milestones, discoveries and other events
Educational portfolio
A personal learning space where users can save proof of their learning process, which supports their progress and the appropriation of specific knowledge sets.
This site is also a structured resource kit where users can keep their favourite content from Didactalia’s available collection handy.
A responsive environment
Didactalia adapts to all types of mobile devices.
The student can continue learning outside the classroom. Whenever they want and wherever they are, the platform unifies and analyses the footprint left by their educational endeavours.
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