gnoss semantic ai platform
The platform to build a happy digital life
The future is now
Give life and meaning to your organisation’s documents and data with a Knowledge Graph.
GNOSS Semantic AI Platform 5, a Semantic Framework for Developers that is your vehicle for better interpreting your organisation’s content and resources. Ring in the promising new digital world: personalisation, anticipation, precision, speed, agility and adaptation. Now with Open and Enterprise versions.
Why GNOSS Semantic AI Platform?
A Semantic Framework for Developers that integrates, interrogates and expresses the contents and processes of your organization in the way that best suits the interests of the people who work in it. Integrate, query and express your organisation’s content and processes in a way more closely aligned than ever before with the interests of the people who work there.
The GNOSS Semantic Framework for Developers:
- Makes it possible to meaningfully link any type of information, wherever it may be.
- Offers the means to integrate homogeneous and scattered data into an expressive and extensible, unified, searchable Knowledge Graph according to the principles of the Linked Data Web.
- Represents information using Smart Data.
- Makes creating advanced recommendation systems easy, along with generating semantically relevant context for any type of information.
- Provides a collection of APIs, utilities and function libraries, in addition to a work methodology for creating and exploiting Knowledge Graphs and intelligent web ecosystems - all in record time.
What can GNOSS Semantic AI Platform do for you ?

- Ontology Management
- Thesaurus and Taxonomy Management
- Linked Data Management
- API and Data Integration
- Data Portability and Interoperability
- Entity Extraction and Automatic Labelling
- Semantic Search
- Faceted Search Interfaces
- Contexts and Enriched Information
- NER Recommendation Systems
- Semantic Analytics & Visual Data Browsing
- GNOSS Semantic Search Plug-ins
- Semantic Web Pages
- Native Semantic Publishing (by users)
- Semantic Form Generation
- Presentation Layer Personalisation
- Multi-domain and Multi-site Management
- Semantic SEO
- Tailored Workflows
In GNOSS we believe that using an open development model leads to better and more secure technologies. The use of open source software systems allows us to create cooperative links between developers around the world that will help improve and enhance our technology.
With GNOSS Semantic AI Platform 5 we have taken the first step. With the Open Source version we want to facilitate the use of our technology by any integrator.
In addition, each of the components of the GNOSS Semantic AI Platform also offers an enterprise version with a number of exclusive possibilities and services.
GNOSS Semantic AI Platform has two main components
- GNOSS Knowledge Graph Builder
- Metadata and Knowledge Graph Management
- Development tools
- GNOSS Semantic Application Server
- Discovery, reasoning and analysis using knowledge graphs
- Sem CMS/ Semantic Dynamic Web Publishing
- Digital Ecosystem
- Data Orchestra
How does GNOSS Semantic AI Platform work?
Semantic Manager

Graph Management
Graph Explotation Design
Ux Configuration
User/Content Manager

Data Publication
Data Integration

TEXT: doc, pdf, Harvesting/Crawler
HTML/XML/RDF Harvesting
IMAGE/VIDEO Harvesting
JSON/CSV/RSS Harvesting
Semantic framework for developers GNOSS

Semantic Templates


Graph Builder
Web Publisher

Semantic Web Pages

Enriched Information
Semantic Contexts
Faceted Search
NER Recommendations
Semantic Analytics

Semantic Bussiness Intelligence (SBI)
Knowledge Discovery
Graph Visualization
Data Analytics
combines configuration and development tools that help developers, ontologists and semantic managers design and manage the Knowledge Graph structure and model. GNOSS Dev Tools enables:
- The definition of Knowledge Objects in OWL (Ontology Web Language), which is what allows these Objects to be expressed, configured, integrated and exploited in a Knowledge Graph.
- Navigation and querying component development, designed by the Graph for use by both machines and people, including: Semantic Web Pages with enriched contextual information, faceted search interfaces, Named Entity Recognition (NER) systems, ad hoc graphic visualisations, and more.
- Predictive personalisation of users’ cognitive navigation and query experience (User Experience), enabling comprehensive interpreted access to the knowledge accumulated by the organisation.
A Semantic Content Management System (Semantic CMS) that empowers any web user to publish structured data according to Semantic Web standards and enjoy a completely transparent experience.
An API package for integrating third-party data and consulting data comprised within the graph, not to mention publishing semantically represented content using Knowledge Objects defined by OWL ontologies.
This is the core of the Framework. It is responsible for building and storing the Knowledge Graph and for interpreting and generating semantically structured data in RDF/OWL format.
This is the system in charge of dynamically generating Semantic Web pages, faceted search interfaces and the graph visualisation and exploitation components (maps, graphics, timelines, etc.), in addition to supplying them with defined behaviour and graphic personalisation. It both receives users’ queries in their interactions with the Knowledge Graph and communicates with the GNOSS Semantic Search Engine to provide users with a richer, more intuitive experience which is applicable to their interests and possible reasoning methods.
This Semantic Search Engine is at the core of the platform’s intelligence. It comprises a tool set that services the rest of the development framework components, including: a semantic search engine, an enriched context generator, a Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation (NERD) system and automatic metadata, a Named Entity Recognition (NER) system, a third-party source linked data system, in addition to Linked Open Data Web (LOD Web) and a data cache system.
GNOSS Semantic AI Platform: Configurable functions and features for agile, fast and flexible evolution and adaptation of smart digital ecosystems

Ver más- Community Groups
- Content Publication
- User Profile
- Debates
- Activity Flows
- Follow People
- Comments and Votes
Ver más- Multiple User Roles
- Community Groups
- Content Repository
- Educational Profile
- Educational Portfolio - Personal Learning Environment
- Semantic and Social LMS
- Gamification
Knowledge Management
Ver más- Document Management
- Social Content
- Content Flows
- Workflows and Process Management
- Product Portfolio
- APIs
- Data Capture and Delivery
Ver más- Web Page Content Management
- Multiple User Roles
- Security Management
- Semantic Data Management
- Review and Approval
- Format for WCAG 2.0
- Multi-Site and Multi-Domain