Find the procedure: the intelligent search engine that comprises all Spanish public administration procedures
GNOSS has built an information retrieval system for the more than 60,000 procedures a citizen can carry out with Spanish public authority institutions. The semantic representation of the existing data in the Spanish SIA administrative information system (Sistema de Información Administrativa) makes this technological system possible. Thanks to this search engine, the user can reason and find their procedure by its subject, the type of authority, ministry, autonomous community, or other defining attributes. View the project
- Cliente
- Administración Pública
The Dirección General de Gobernanza Pública (General Directorate for Public Governance in Spain) is responsible for the design, promotion and monitoring of actions taken by the general administration office of the Spanish state to reduce regulatory and administrative burdens and simplify administrative procedures, among other functions. It is associated with the Ministry of Finance and Civil Service of the Government of Spain.
Every procedure, in one click
Semantic technology makes public authority transparency a reality, linked not just to the mere publication of data but its query and the ease of access for the public. This project endeavoured to semantically represent digital content in RDF/OWL, therefore contributing maximum quality in the form of portability and interoperability with other public authority data.
Lead by example
GNOSS is able to connect with the Spanish Ministry of Finance and Civil Service’s SIA administrative information system and generate a layer of semantically represented data in RDF/OWL format (with maximum quality, in terms of open data), shape them into a graph, integrate it with the Ministry website, and publish it. This exploitation incorporates a faceted search engine to increase information accessibility for citizens.
Seeking is finding
GNOSS makes it possible to offer the Spanish public an information retrieval system for governmental procedures through faceted navigation that uses reason to sort through the attributes associated with these procedures: type of material or subject matter.
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